Work Out Proposal

Posted by allberes | 10:30 PM | 0 comments »

Training goal(s):

1. To be able to squat 260 lbs and to lift 155 lbs by the end of this semester.

2. To be able to jump at least 22 feet for intramural long jump event.

3. To gain more muscle weight by the end of this semester.

Exercise plan:

Day 1 (lower body heavy)

A: Squat/Leg press/Step-up – Heavy (100%)

B: 1. Bench Press/Incline – Light (85-90%)

2. Triceps and biceps exercise – Light (100%)

C: 1. Dumbbell/ Machine Row – Heavy (100%)

2. Overhead Press – Light (85-90%)

3. Lat pull down – Heavy (100%)

D: Abdominal exercise (e.g. crunch) – 3 sets of 25 reps.

Day 2 (upper body heavy)

A: 1. Squat/Leg press/Step-up/Barbell high pull – Light (100%)

2. Lunges – Heavy (100%)

B: 1. Bench Press/Incline/Dumbbell fly – Heavy (100%)

2. Triceps and biceps curl – Heavy (100%)

C: 1. Dumbbell/ Machine Row – Light (85-90%)

2. Overhead Press or seated press –Heavy (85-90%)

D: Abdominal exercise (e.g. crunch) – 3 sets of 25 reps.

Day 3

Covering day 2 plans with lower body being heavy instead of upper body.

*All the exercise will be done with 3 sets of 10 reps or 3 sets of 8 reps depend on the weight increment.

Explanation: I will spend more time for lower body training during this semester in order to increase my jumping strength with general increment of at least 5 lbs per week. I will also utilize periodization technique to achieve my goal.

Additional exercise: Playing soccer in intramural teams and does a lot of cardio training and pick up game.

This is the man

Posted by allberes | 3:51 PM | 0 comments »

cant touch this..woha

There's something very appealing about learning how to play guitar. If you've ever desired to play, you're not the only one. Millions of others have considered learning before you and there's sure to be millions more who will want to in the future. Maybe, it's because the guitar is a crucial part of every song. It might be the fact that almost every band leader knows how to play it. Also, it's fun to watch those rock stars on TV play their 3-minute songs. Boy, they sure make playing the guitar seem easy. But there's surely one thing you'll never see, the thousands of hours they've put into beginning guitar lessons.

If you ever consider learning how to play the guitar you better be prepared for some real hard work. This is not an instrument that you can just pick up and learn to play in less than a week. You'll have to work hard and you're bound to make lots of mistakes. There is no substitute for hard work. You just can't wave a magic wand or have a computer chip planted into your brain that will enable you to play like a pro. So if you are the type of person that quits anytime something becomes difficult, you shouldn't even attempt to teach yourself to play guitar. You'll only be wasting your time and money.

Learning how to play guitar also takes time and patience. You'll have to put a massive amount of weeks, months, or maybe even years of long days of practice. You'll need to learn how to tune your guitar, playing various chords, and once you learn to play simple songs you can move onto more advanced techniques. Again, expect to make a massive number of mistakes. There will even be days when you become so agitated that you'll feel like smashing your guitar against the wall. In times like these you'll feel like quitting. Just think what would happen if your favorite star gave up on learning how to play the guitar? Would they even be a star today? Most likely not! Still, if you realize the amount of hard work required and are willing to venture this rough road, then learning how to play guitar may definitely for you.

If you're absolutely serious about playing guitar you may want to consider guitar lessons for beginners online. Most of these sites cover everything involved with learning how to play. Some sites may be free, but the better teaching sites charge for their service and material. Still, the amount you'll pay for any of these sites will be far less than regular lessons from a personal trainer. Better yet, learning from an online course allows you to do so without leaving home.

Liam Gibson of, specializes in helping aspiring guitarists get the info that they need to make the right choices. Liam, a stage guitarist himself, leads his team of guitar experts to constantly review new courses and products in the market and make sure you get the best value products that work for you. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular guitar courses at LearnGuitar-User-Reviews.


Posted by allberes | 10:48 AM | 0 comments »

oh well, first day of fall semester, same old same old. I begin my fall semester 09 with new Billabong short and nice white shirt and a Nike slip on. I was debating with myself this morning either want to wear long pant or short, and either goin with white or darker color. I tell you what, it might sounds easy for you but not for me this morning and it was my first time I was so concern about my attire and indeed it felt weird. It pushed me to utilize my morning brain to think more than usual. Owh my, now I understand those people especially girls who will always contemplating on what to wear what to eat and what to do. I am not saying that this attitude is bad, but rather it is just time consuming and you know what? It is ENERGY consuming too. Why should I mention about energy? Yeah why? First, you spend more time to think, second, you will make more movement and last but not least, your brain will get tired after working on analyzing pros and cons and bla bla bla..Unnecessary thing.

Back to my story, after a few minutes of thinking and weighing and contemplating and debating of what should I wear, I bump on one my book shelf and one of the book which is blue in color fell on the floor and I picked it up. The moment I looked at the cover of the book the word KISS came up in my mind, yeah KISS as in put together 2 lips and as in the name of the popular 80's rock band from New York City. What does it stand for? It stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid. Actually, it is a pretty popular acronym which was first coined by Kelly Johnson, lead engineer at the Lockheed Skunkworks (creators of the SR-71 Blackbird and U2 spy planes, among many others). While popular usage translates it as Keep It Simple, Stupid Johnson translated it as Keep It Simple and Stupid.

So, what is the concept of KISS? KISS states that design simplicity should be a key goal and that unnecessary complexity should be avoided. simple eh? Pretty much self explained. In everyday life, people tend to over think about something and sometimes even complicate their life. I have been trying to think as simple as I can for this past few weeks and you know what? It works really well!! First, just think in TWO ways, yeah two don’t break them into more than 2 ways. There are only BAD or GOOD in this world and forget about average, in the middle or whatever notation that is invented just to complicate thing. So, whenever it is good, then it is the possible ANSWER/ OPTION for you. Simple eh? You classify things of consideration into either GOOD or BAD then of course pick the one from GOOD class to be your final option. If this is not simple enough for you, well then go ahead and simplify it even more and live life easier.

Hello World!

Posted by allberes | 10:47 AM | 0 comments »

Hello world, yeah absolutely hello world. This is gonna be my very first day in existence in this blogging world.Nothing much to talk for this very first post, yet a lot of idea in my brain box try to escape and flow to the very end of my fingertips. Well, I guess it is always hard to write the first post to any kind of blog or diary or anything that has the same function as those things that I just mentioned. However, it all make sense to most people. To do things for the first time will not be as easy as in second, third, or trillionth time since the experiences that we gain along the way of doing thing matures us and makes the next time easier just like old saying "Practice Makes Perfect".

oh well, I guess since this is the first post might as well I talk about the meaning of allberes which you the reader can see in the address of this blog. It is actually the combination of 2 words ALL and BERES and both of them are from different origin. ALL is obviously from the word all from English means every thing, or every one, or every ____( you fill in the blank) and the second word is taken from Malay language with unknown origin (at least for me it is unknown) BERES means done or finished. Some people may mistakenly think that BERES in this as the name of one of the reggae artist from Jamaica named Beres Hammond.

so ALLBERES means all done nothing more need to be worried anymore. Well due to this nature, I suggest all the reader to read this blog before you go to bed at night after you are DONE with the day or maybe after you have accomplished something or done doing something big or important. Till here, I will see you guys in the next post. Have a good day.

"begin to read today for the sake of knowledge even tomorrow is your last day"