Hello World!

Posted by allberes | 10:47 AM | 0 comments »

Hello world, yeah absolutely hello world. This is gonna be my very first day in existence in this blogging world.Nothing much to talk for this very first post, yet a lot of idea in my brain box try to escape and flow to the very end of my fingertips. Well, I guess it is always hard to write the first post to any kind of blog or diary or anything that has the same function as those things that I just mentioned. However, it all make sense to most people. To do things for the first time will not be as easy as in second, third, or trillionth time since the experiences that we gain along the way of doing thing matures us and makes the next time easier just like old saying "Practice Makes Perfect".

oh well, I guess since this is the first post might as well I talk about the meaning of allberes which you the reader can see in the address of this blog. It is actually the combination of 2 words ALL and BERES and both of them are from different origin. ALL is obviously from the word all from English means every thing, or every one, or every ____( you fill in the blank) and the second word is taken from Malay language with unknown origin (at least for me it is unknown) BERES means done or finished. Some people may mistakenly think that BERES in this as the name of one of the reggae artist from Jamaica named Beres Hammond.

so ALLBERES means all done nothing more need to be worried anymore. Well due to this nature, I suggest all the reader to read this blog before you go to bed at night after you are DONE with the day or maybe after you have accomplished something or done doing something big or important. Till here, I will see you guys in the next post. Have a good day.

"begin to read today for the sake of knowledge even tomorrow is your last day"